A boozehound goes sober...

A boozehound goes sober...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day 26:The Art

Day 26. 12:36am. Night. Drinks-0

Tonight, I did a show where I made art. Like I wrote a thing that was scary, performed that scary thing, messed up my words for this scary thing, and felt amazing after doing a scary thing. Had me all like...

I really don't care if people liked the piece or not. That isn't entirely true-I care because I wrote something that MEANT something to me...something that spoke to me. Performing and putting it out there was a great feeling that left me needing no affirmation from my audience. If people didn't like it, I am all like...

And  even more like...

But again, the people I am around aren't assholes and said kind, generous, and fucking wonderful things to me after the show. Which had me all like...

After great shows like tonight, I usually celebrate with a drink. I thought about it tonight, but didn't want it. I was riding the high of making some dope ass art. 

Day 26. Complete. Go make art people...it is fun!


Weight Loss-I gained weight but IDGAF!
Money Spent-$43
# of foot in mouth moments-I haven't embarrassed myself in DAYS!!! It's coming...I can feel it...I will embarrass myself some how...very soon!

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